What’s new in Horse Show Division
September 21, 2017
The Post Falls Equestrian Center Dressage Show scheduled for 22-23 September has been rescheduled for 6-8 October due to the arena currently being flooded after 4 days of rain this week. Contact Gena Loper at the PFEC for additional information. The change of dates has been approved by the WSH Horse Show Division and is still approved for points.
November 18, 2016
The 2016 HSD Yearend Award results have been posted to the HSD “Awards and Recognition” tab. There are 3 different files… one ‘by class’ that will let you know who you were competing against, the second ‘by exhibitor’ – this one is sorted by individual and shows, at a glance, all of the classes & placings for each exhibitor. The third is a list of horses/exhibitors receiving ROMs. Congratulations to all of you on your successes for 2016. We had a very large increase in the number of horses/exhibitors competing in 2016 – the new form for 2017 will be posted soon… get signed up early and help keep the HSD growing!